Monday, 16 December 2013

Elevation clip plane missing

Keeps happening to me - the elevation tags are showing in plan but mysteriously the clip plane lines and drag arrows disappear.
Revit Help 2014 solves this.

This is what it should look like with the green dashed clip plane marker and drag arrows.

In props palette under "Extents" below crops "Far Clipping" should be set to clip with line. No idea how this keeps getting turned off - possibly its a vew template

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Rendering glass with realisticly non-flat appearance

Good post by The Revit Kid - glass sheets in curtain wall are never truly flat and often distorted by differential exterior - interior pressure so that whats reflected in the real world is often slightly distorted. Hers his solution which involves changing the material used from glass to glass block (material > appearance cube and change to a bump map (research needed to find suitable) follow YouTube