Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Shared parameters on sheets etc

In this example I am setting up a simple parameter on a sheet so that a revision number or scale can be edited as a property. The outofthebox parameters associated with text tags aren't very adaptable to  UK practice and terminology.

Here I want to set up REV No and DATE so that they respond differently to the outofthebox nearest tags.

STEP 1 - set up shared parameter  -  (MANAGE > SETTINGS > SHARED PARAMETER)
Set up a new parameter - make sure TYPE is text. Several already set up so we are making Rev A in this example. If there is no shared param file then use CREATE to set up a new one or BROWSE for one already saved.

STEP 2 - set up a project parameter ( MANAGE > PROJECT PARAM)
Add > (Param Properties opens) > select Shared parameter > pick Rev A and under Categories tick sheets. Make sure instance is selected

And there you go Rev A is available to the project - you can modify its properties such as changing Category or Group

FINALLY edit the family where the parameters is to be used eg the drawing sheet.  Add label > Add param  > select and pick Rev A which then makes it available in Category Parameters

Load the family and the new Parameter will be available in the sheet properties. If you have a Rev notes panel in the sheet (I do these as a Symbol inserted from an generic annotation with each item set up as a label so that it is editable in the Sheet properties) you should set up by loading the shared family into the annotation family

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