Friday, 24 October 2014

Hack view title

The outofthebox system family anno_view_title  has 4 types for title / without line / without detail ref / det ref with line etc but no option to zap the scale other than no title.

What if you want the title and no scale ( say for an inserted image dragged in from a drafting view )?

In Project Browser > Families > Anno_View_Title I edited (RC>Edit) and saved this as Anno_View_Title_custom. To show changes I changed the scale tag to a "phase" tag just to track the changes on project sheets. Load this into the project.

Titles 1 and 2 before

Select Title 2 (= viewport title no line) and select Edit Title
Duplicate this as Title custom
Under Graphics hit the Title dropdown and select the type created in the family editor (Anno_view_title_custom)

This then shows both titles 1 and 2 as the new Title type

Select the original type (Title 1) > Edit Type and in the Title dropdown (whch now displays Anno_View_Type_Custom, change this back to Anno_View_Title : Standard

All other view titles except 2 return back to as before.

I have absolutely no idea where intially changing one title  affects the lot then returns the rest to normal with one subsequent type change.

After that selecting any title and changing to Title Custom becomes instance only.

I have tried adding yes/no params to the standard family to add an instance visibity option to the tags - just doesnt propogate into the Type Properties. The parameter is there somewhere but hidden.
The out of the box vis params for show title / extension line are all that are available